Bom Retiro Restaurant

Paredes de Coura
Description / Facilities
Monday to Sunday, from 8am to 10pm. 
Specialties: Segredos do Celeiro, Cozido à Portuguesa, Arroz de Sarrabulho and vegetarian dishes.
Address: Ageito - Rubiães, 4940-681 Paredes de Coura
Phone: 961256679

17 Dec 2023 to 15 Dec 2024

Castelo de Cerveira Doorway

The Castelo de Cerveira Doorway has the shield of king D. Dinis. D. Dinis ordered this Castle to be built in 1319. At this time the defense of the border...

The 4th Roman road from Braga to Astorga

This is an important Roman road known as the 4th Roman road linking Bracara Augusta (Braga) to Asturica Augusta (Astorga). Located at the foot of the...
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